Useful downloads

You should find the documents below useful. If you need any further information please feel free to contact our support team.

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Payment gateway

integration documents

These integration documents contain all the information you will need to integrate your website or technology into the PayVector payment gateway.

These documents are best used with the integration packs below.

Download Integration Documents

PCI-DSS Level 1

PayVector goes through the highest level of PCI compliance each year, this is known as PCI-DSS Level 1 certification.

The PCI program was put in place by the card schemes to ensure processing companies like ourselves met the highest standards when it comes to protecting credit card details.

By working with PayVector, your acquiring bank may ask for the compliance certificate from your payment gateway. Please download the certificate below.

Download PCI-DSS Level 1 Certificate

Payment gateway

integration code packs

We have pre-written integration code for you. These are well written code packs that are the bulk of the integration work completed.

All code packs take advantage of advanced on the fly fail over techniques and other advanced features of the gateway. It is strongly recommended that you use these as your starting point for integrating.

Download Integration Code Packs

Test card details

When integrating you will want to run some test transactions to see if everything is working as it should be.

Please download the test card details which will allow you to test every conceivable scenario.

Download Test Card Details